Fine Art Shipping – it’s a delicate business…

Q: How do you transport unique, delicate ceramic artwork across the Atlantic? A: VERY, VERY carefully!

EBISS recently did just that, delivering this unique piece of ceramic art by Chen Desheng for the London gallery of Ting Ying Studio, to its new home across the Atlantic in the U.S.

Bonsai by Chen Desheng for Ting Ying Studio

The Challenge: We were entrusted with this exquisite Blanc De Chine ceramic sculpture with a very delicate design featuring multiple fragile branches and blossom flowers. This beautiful, one of a kind, hand crafted item required delivering to an address in North West USA.

Our Solution:
We knew that this refined piece would require a bespoke shipping solution, it was too valuable and delicate to use any off the shelf packaging. Supplied to us in a beautiful satin lined box it would require restraining to prevent any movement in transit. But how?

Mark Maskell, our UK Operations Manager, and just one of our art shipping experts, carefully hand-crafted the solution. Using foam inserts and 2 wooden cross braces, screwed into the box itself to prevent the base of the piece lifting or moving laterally. The void was then carefully back filled around the sculpture with more foam packing to further secure it.

Wooden cross braces over foam protective layers prefent lateral and vertical movement

But that’s still not enough. This inner box was then carefully packed into a shock absorbing, foam lined made to measure wooden crate and further secured in place. To ensure is careful handling along its journey Mark even made handles for the sides of the crate.

All packed away safe, snug & secure

A significant number of ‘FRAGILE, handle with care’ warnings were then applied to the outer case – well, you can never be too careful! The secret to this delivery was all about the attention to detail when packing it up ready for transit, which is where we excel.

We are very pleased to report that this story ends with a very happy customer in the U.S. who is now the proud owner of this outstanding and unique piece of art, which was delivered in perfect condition and on time – because that’s what we do!


Delivered safely – not a leaf out of place…


We are perfectly placed to assist any artists transporting artworks between the U.S. and Europe thanks to our dual siting in the UK and Chicago, U.S.

Have you got any fine art shipping needs that may require a specialist or innovative solution for shipping? We are experts in Fine Art Shipping and Logistics and can help with everything from packing, shipping, unpacking to installing – contact us today to let us know how we can help.


Follow us on Instagram to see our recent art shipping projects.